
Spam e-mail

There is a spam e-mail going round about Ukraine.

It looks like this:  

Good day, 

Hope all is well with you. 

The news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has affected my cousin Garry's wife Iryna(who is originally from Ukraine) and her family in a deeply intense and personal way. Having fled Kyiv after the invasion began, Iryna’s family eventually made it to the Polish border. 

Iryna’s family needs long-term housing and financial support while in Poland. Garry and Iryna are working hard to get them to where they will be safe. They are exploring all options to get them to the United Kingdom. 

Please kindly help by donating money, gift cards or any valuable item to support Ivana’s family. Our goal is to raise $50,000 which we think is adequate to sustain Iryna’s family for 6 months in Poland, and will cover housing, food, clothing, medical care, legal assistance, and transportation. 

Kindly confirm receipt of this email and let me know how you are willing to help. 

Thank You and God Bless.

Please do not open such e-mails unless you know they are genuine.

Our friends in IT are happy to help.