
Sri Lanka

The economic crisis in Sri Lanka is having a devastating effect on the daily lives of people living there as they struggle with rising prices and shortages of food, fuel and medicines. The Methodist Church in Britain has supported the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka by giving a Solidarity Grant of £15,000 from the World Mission Fund. This money is going towards the Samaritan Journey Project which provides relief for those in most need.

Food prices have soared over the past few months with the cost of some items doubling or tripling. The Samaritan Journey Project is giving relief packages of essential food, grants for medical expenses for children and providing start-up kits for people to grow their own vegetables. The crisis shows no sign of ending and we’re asking for your help. Would your church consider holding an additional retiring collection and donating the money to this vital appeal during harvest, or at another time during the autumn?

On the Methodist Church website you will find resources including a prayer written by Bala Gnanapragasam, a past Vice-President of the Methodist Conference who was born in Sri Lanka, along with specially recorded material from Sri Lanka and an interview with Revd Ebenezer Joseph, President of the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka. 

You can find the page here: Sri Lanka Appeal (methodist.org.uk)

You are welcome to use this in services.  Details of how to donate to the appeal are at the bottom of the page.