
Stationing Review Survey

Dear Colleague, 

The Stationing Review Group is carrying out a root and branch review of all the processes relating to the stationing of ministers (Presbyters and Deacons) in the Methodist Church. The group will report to the 2024 Conference with recommendations for changes to these processes.

As someone who has been involved in stationing, the group is very interested to hear your views about what works well in the present processes and your suggestions for changes and improvements. So please fill in the survey at the following link. https://forms.office.com/e/xuHLetymtn 

Please also forward the link to those in your household/family you feel would want to comment on our stationing processes and also to Circuit Stewards in your Circuit, as we would like to hear from all those who have a role to play in this important part of the Churches’ life. 

If you wish to submit comments or suggestions beyond those asked for in the survey, please email the Stationing Review Group using this email address. 

Many thanks

Michaela Youngson
Assistant Secretary of the Conference and Connexional Ecumenical Officer | The Connexional Team