
Survey about a proposed new free National Online Resource Portal for Churches (Centre for the Study of Christianity & Culture, York, and the National Churches Trust)

A National Online Resource Portal Which 'Starts Where Churches Are' 

The Survey

Please share your experience and needs! Your input is needed on a proposed new Resource Portal. The aim is to help churches, chapels and meeting houses of all sizes, across the UK, assess their current needs and opportunities and plan for the future. The portal would provide FREE quick and easy access to comprehensive support, guidance, practical help, and creative ideas. This project has been shaped by the impact of COVID-19 and other challenges, requests from churches, and consultation with denominations and partners across the country, including the National Churches Trust. It is coordinated by the Centre for the Study of Christianity & Culture at York.

There are 11 questions (a mixture of tick boxes and FREE TEXT) which shouldn’t take longer than about 10 minutes to complete. Please take part. Your feedback is vital to ensure this resource provides what churches really need! 

What would the Online Resource Portal offer?

The aim behind the Resource Portal is to help churches of all sizes to assess their current needs and opportunities and plan for the future. The Portal will offer free quick and easy access to the support, guidance, practical help, and creative ideas churches need, including the excellent resources which already exist. It will be easy to navigate and will be kept up to date.

We apologise if you receive more than one request to complete this survey. Please only send one response.  Our aim is to gain as wide a circulation as possible, so we can really learn what churches think. Thank you for your help in developing new ways to support churches.

Click here to go to the Survey  

A New National Resource Portal for Churches Survey 

The deadline for responses is 22 November.