

Global Relationships Worship Resources for 2020/2021 

hero-banner-global-relationships-sundayFor their presidential year 2020/2021, the President the Revd Richard Teal and Vice-President Carolyn Lawrence are inspired by the last words of John Wesley, “the best of all is, God is with us”. 

Worship resources include:

  • Service outlines
  • All-Age Worship
  • Sermon ideas
  • Stories
  • Testimonies
  • A stand-alone Own Arrangement service
  • PowerPoint slides 

There is no set date for Global Relationships Sunday so use this worship material any time during the Connexional Year 2020/2021. We suggest church councils work with local preachers’ meetings to agree a date for using it. 

Join with the global Church in rejoicing that God is with us! 

Promotional Flyer PDF - click here and click here for the website.