
The Methodist response to the Government’s Homes for Ukraine - Zoom call details now updated

Those who registered to host a refugee as individuals will receive an email informing them of the next steps. We are yet to see the content of that letter but it is likely/possible that it will say- ‘speak to your local church/faith leader if you would like help in the match process’.

If you receive requests for matching help please point people to our website where they will find a link to Reset (a charity supporting communities and refugees). Via this site they can register again (even though they have expressed an interest on the government site).

If you as Circuit might be able to offer then we suggest you wait until the community group scheme goes live.

We are offering the following opportunities for people to explore the scheme:

Tuesday 22 March – 7.30pm 

*** Monday 28 March– cancelled ***

Tuesday 29 March – 7.30pm

https://zoom.us/j/96797854271?pwd=Z3FSNUpkUEt3UnJNQXo2L1diTUNDZz09 (note new link)

These will be 90 min sessions where we will explain the scheme from a Methodist perspective, including aspects in regards to the resources we have and can signpost to, along with how to access press and comms help, mental health first aid, trauma, adverse childhood experience training, property and TMCP, we will have with us those with experience of community sponsorship schemes. We hope to provide an opportunity for people to network, connect and make links. 

We will not be making these zoom calls public on our website but please feel free to share with the relevant person in your context. There will be FAQs on the website if people miss these.