
The Well - Strategic Forum, Monday 17 to Tuesday 18 June 2024, Cliff College Invitation extended to those involved in strategy for children’s, youth or family ministry in their circuits or districts

This two-day event is for anyone (lay worker, minister or volunteer) who is responsible for working strategically across a Methodist district or circuit, with a focus on ministry with and for children, youth, young adults, families or intergenerational settings. It will be a chance to share your circuit and district's vision for this work and map your provision, alongside exploring key areas of the current Connexional plan for ministry to children, youth and families (as agreed by the Mission Committee and Methodist Conference). The hope is that this Strategic Forum will provide opportunity to align the work that is happening across the Connexion so that we can support one another and work more closely and cohesively. Together we will co-create a plan for The Well - and any future Connexional training and events. We will also hear from keynote speakers to help us all learn together, and share in worship, fellowship and networking.

If you think you know someone who should be a part of this conversation, please ask them to register here: https://bit.ly/499tVfH. If you have any questions, please contact Lynne (normanl@methodistchurch.org.uk). There may be spaces available for those with strategic circuit responsibility, please enquire through Lynne.