
This year’s prayer handbook - a message from Jude Levermore

The use of prayers from other faith communities in the current prayer handbook was agreed by its editors who felt that in doing so extended a core motive of the Methodist Church as being inclusive. However the use of prayers from other faith traditions in this way has attracted some gentle criticism for our fellow faith leaders. It is not acceptable for us to appropriate these as prayers, rather they are offered as sacred literature on which we might reflect. We will not be using these prayers in future and would like to apologise for any offence. For your information the prayers are:    

Day 5 – Jewish Kaddish

Day 6 – Chinese Imperial prayer

Day 10 – Zarathustra

Day 16 – Tukaram

Day 17 – Upanishad

Day 31 – The Quran 

I would therefore wish to highlight to you the sensitives around their use. Thank you.