
Time to Talk Day – Thursday 2 February

Time to Talk Day will take place this year on Thursday 2 February.

With the New Year brings new challenges which can be both exciting and scary or there can things still ongoing from the previous year which continue to be challenging.  Whatever these might be, it time to show we care about each other. Time to Talk Day is a day that provides the opportunity to ask ‘how are you doing’ to a friend colleague, neighbour, family member or anyone else you come into contact with.

It’s not about being nosy it’s about showing interest in what’s happening in someone else’s life. That small gesture can make a big difference so why not go ahead and reach out to someone today. Talk, Listen, Change lives. Time to Talk poster 2

One in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem in any given year. It maybe you want to talk about your own mental health but don’t know how. The Time to Talk website has some good tips how to do this, see attached for further information. Time to Talk – Feb 23 – Poster-2-Colleagues-tagline

If you want a conversation about your mental health you can contact the wellbeing team at wellbeing@methodistchurch.org.uk or to access counselling support from the Churches Ministerial Counselling Service go to www.cmincs.net .  For further information on Time to Talk see attached About – Time To Talk Day