
Training Opportunity: a reminder

Working in partnership with Multiverse, we are offering the opportunity for further training in either Project Management or People Leadership, beginning in March 2022. The training is funded through the Apprenticeship Levy and is therefore open to all ministers in a full-time appointment, and lay employees who are contracted for at least 30 hours per week.

Further information can be obtained through the recent post on Signposts, which also offers a link to the Expression of Interest Form and the dates of information sessions. The time commitment required is not onerous, as the training is designed to integrate with the participants’ current work, and to enable them to work more effectively. Multiverse already works with partners such as Christian Aid and World Vision, as well as other churches, and we are excited to offer this opportunity to the wider Connexion as we face new challenges in our life and ministry, and increasing demands in the work of leadership.

More information is also available from Richard Armiger or Jonathan Dean in the Connexional Team.