
Upcoming E&G events

Social Justice and Evangelism - a webinar series, continuing until April 2023. We are offering it to develop our commitment to be a growing, evangelistic, justice-seeking, inclusive Church of gospel people, who speak of, listen for, and live out the goodness of God so that more people become disciples of Jesus Christ, and committed Methodists deepen their faith. For details of the series, visit www.methodist.org.uk/social-justice-evangelism. Next event: Health inequalities and the gospel: A conversation with Dr Richard Vautrey 7-8pm, Tuesday 7 February 2023, Book here 

The next Church Planting Intensive (CPI) takes place on 17 to 19 March. CPI begins with a residential at Cliff College and then meets monthly on the 1st Thursday between 7-9pm. CPI is a fully funded year-long hybrid course for those who are planting NPNPs, designed for those who actively shaping a vision, about to launch or in an existing project. It mixes teaching and reflection, prayer and deepening our calls. Places limited to 30, so get in quick if you are interested. The course will run again on 3 to 5 November, 2023. Booking here https://forms.office.com/r/5HDCB5fqwg 

Community Organising - Connecting with our communities is a vital part of beginning an NPNP, the practices of community organising are an excellent way, to build, and nurture emerging communities. There are two courses: 31 March - 2 April and 20 -22 October, held at Cliff College. The first course was held in September 2022 and was fully booked. The course is for people beginning an NPNP, in a team and is being offered first to people who will be enabling and nurturing the NPNP communities within their district/circuit. More details: www.methodist.org.uk/organising. 

Beginning a Church at the Margins: A 3 session interactive online course - The course runs again in June/July 2023, it offers space to think about connecting and becoming a new Christian community amongst and led by people experiencing poverty. This course is ideal for people who are passionate about their community. Book here www.methodist.org.uk/cam-training