
Upcoming workshops from the College Of Preachers

Preaching the Themes of Lent 

Tuesday 16 January, 10.30 | on-line via Zoom 

Workshop leader: Michael Beck, Tutor in Preaching at Lindisfarne Regional Training Programme 

This workshop will look at the range of readings used in the season of Lent and the themes that might emerge from these. There will be time to share experience and ideas as well as asking questions. 

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10 


Experimenting with Form in Preaching 

Saturday 27 January, 10.00 | Trinity College, Bristol, BS9 1JP 

Workshop leader: Martin Little, Vicar of St John the Evangelist, Highbridge 

Many of us have a default form or structure that is our 'go-to' for creating a sermon, particularly under the pressure of a Sunday deadline. But how often do we stop to consider alternatives? This workshop explores how we can vary the literary forms we use in preaching to provide fresh perspectives for our preaching and variety for our congregations.  

Ticket prices: general, £35; ministry student, £30 

Preaching on and Through Music 

Saturday 10 February, 10.30 | on-line via Zoom 

Workshop leader: Vicky Johnson, Canon Precentor, York Minster 

This session will explore the use of music in preaching the gospel, whether to inform, enhance or enable our preaching and as a means of connecting congregations to the words of scripture in an experiential way. 

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10 


Preaching at Funerals 

Monday 12 February, 10.30 | on-line via Zoom 

Workshop leader: Jennifer Brown, Director of Training, College of Preachers 

This workshop will consider how our funeral preaching can honour the desire for a funeral to celebrate the life of the departed and provide comfort to the bereaved while still clearly proclaiming the resurrection hope of the gospel. 

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10 


Out of the Shadows: Preaching the Women of the Bible 

Saturday 17 February, 10.00 | Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, WF14 0BN 

Workshop leader: Liz Shercliff, Tutor, Luther King Centre, Manchester 

This workshop will look at some of the stories of women contained within the Bible, how we can preach about them, and why it matters that we do so. 

Ticket prices: general, £50; ministry student, £45 (includes lunch) 


Preaching the Events of Good Friday as Seen through the Women’s Eyes 

Saturday 9 March, 10.30 | on-line via Zoom 

Workshop leader: Liz Shercliff, Tutor, Luther King Centre, Manchester 

This workshop will look at Good Friday through the eyes of the women and consider how the insights from this perspective can inform our preaching on and about this important day in the Church's year. 

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10 


The Language of Resurrection: Finding the Right Words 

Monday 11 March, 09.30 | Gladstone's Library, Hawarden, Wales, CH5 3DF 

Workshop leader: Rod Garner, Anglican priest, writer, and theologian 

This workshop is for preachers wishing to engage with the questions our secular age raises in relation to preaching the hope of the resurrection. Preparing for Holy Week and Easter provides the fitting, even urgent context, in which teaching and faithfulness to the word of God can be  enriched by the fruits of theology and the creative imagination.  

Ticket prices (includes lunch): general, £40; ministry student, £37.50 (includes lunch). 


Connecting Old Testament & New Testament in Our Preaching 

Saturday 20 April, 10.30 | on-line via Zoom 

Workshop leader: Philip Jenson, former lecturer in Old Testament, Ridley Hall, Cambridge 

This workshop explores two helpful ways in which preachers can connect the two Testaments and open up how God is at work both in the past and the present: a fresh appreciation of the imagery and archetypes of the Bible and a sophisticated approach to the Grand Narrative of Scripture. The workshop will emphasize interpretation rather than technique, but will include opportunities for dialogue, questions, and practical work on selected texts. 

Ticket prices: general, £12; ministry student, £10  

Further details and links to book tickets for all the above workshops are available on the College of Preachers’ website.