
Update to Same-sex marriage consent of 'sharing' denominations following update from GRO

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: If our Methodist building has been registered for same-sex marriage, and we subsequently allow another denomination to use our building for regular public worship under Model Trust 14(2A), does that denomination need to give its governing authority’s consent to the building being used for same-sex marriage?   

A: No, once the building is registered, it is registered. Any subsequent ‘sharing’ denomination will ‘share’ knowing that the building is registered for same-sex marriage, and if they’re not happy about that then they can choose not to enter into the sharing arrangements. 

[NB. A ‘sharing’ denomination is able to cancel a Methodist building’s same-sex marriage registration after at least 2 years of ‘sharing’, but only with the Methodist managing trustees’ consent. See Form 77A here and guidance notes here.] 

It’s therefore safe to suggest that, where there are problems with current Schedule 14A ‘sharing’ congregations who aren’t able to provide their governing authority’s consent to the building being used for same-sex marriage, they could terminate the licence temporarily in order to get the registration through and then re-grant the Schedule 14A licence after the registration has been completed.