
Updates on the Conservation and Listed Buildings web pages

We have added a few updates to the News, Funding and Training page of the Conservation and Listed Buildings web page here.  

This includes a link to the House of Good Report, launched by the National Churches Trust yesterday which, ‘demonstrates that the total economic and social value that church buildings generate in the UK is at least £12.4 billion per year which averages around £300,000 per church. That is roughly equal to the total NHS spending on mental health in England in 2018. We believe that these findings are remarkable. They show that our churches are not just Houses of God. They are also Houses of Good – good that we risk losing if church buildings are not kept in good repair, and may never be able to replace’. 

As well as a useful document for policy makers this may also be useful to local churches compiling grant applications to local and national funders. We hope you find this interesting.