
Vocations Sunday – 5 May 2024

This coming Sunday is Vocations Sunday. This year we are celebrating the work of our Local Preachers and Worship Leaders: those lay members, whose hard work and dedication enables worship to take place in thousands of Methodist Churches each week. We have collected some stories from Local Preachers and Worship Leaders about their personal journeys, which make for encouraging and fascinating reading. There is also some guidance on how to respond to a calling to preach and to lead worship.

Check the link here: Stories from Worship Leaders and Local Preachers - Methodist Church

If you are marking Vocations Sunday in your church or circuit, perhaps you could use some of this material? Or you could pass on the recommend it to anyone you know whom God may be calling to one of these important roles?

There’s a new liturgy for Vocations Sunday available from Singing the Faith Plus too.

Michael Ivatt and Bob Bartindale