
We need your prayers!

The 2024/2025 Methodist Prayer Handbook title and theme is: Praise and Protest.  

Please contribute your prayers of no more than 120 words each, based on this theme:   

Praise and Protest

In her song of praise, the ‘Magnificat’ (Luke 1:46-55), Mary thanks God for the child Jesus, who will announce God’s kingdom which “brings down the powerful from their thrones and lifts up the lowly.” 

To engage in God’s mission and be part of that transformation, we believe the Methodist Church is called to become an increasingly evangelistic, inclusive and justice-seeking Church. 

Following the prophet Isaiah’s call, echoing through the ages to us and reflected in Mary’s prayer, the 2024/2025 Prayer Handbook will focus on how the Church can “learn to do right; seek justice and defend the oppressed” (Isaiah 1:17a, NIV). 

We invite you to offer prayers using Isaiah’s three key actions for becoming the justice-seeking Church we are called to be, in response to God’s love in Christ:

  • Learn

We invite prayers that we might be attentive to God’s ways, and discern how we go about learning to live justly in our local communities and churches.

  • Seek

Please offer prayers that seek God and God’s ways, and invite us to love God and to love our neighbours. Prayers could relate to looking actively for what God is showing us as the Body of Christ corporately, or more personally, to become people who recognise injustice and take action.

  • Defend

Finally, we welcome prayers for the Church to become more aware of the voices of the people we are called to defend – those who are marginalised and silenced. We welcome prayers that support others in their protest and prayers for how we get involved.  

Your contributions to ‘Praise and Protest’ are required by 8 January 2024. 

Check Methodist Prayer Handbook for submission details.