
Wellbeing Webinars - a few spaces left

Dear Colleagues,

Following on previous posts, we still have spaces available for the wellbeing webinars below. To sign up, please send an email to wellbeing@methodistchurch.org.uk with the name of the webinar you would like to attend. 

Suicide Awareness, Real Talk: Introduction to Suicide Prevention online course on Wednesday 27 April 2022 @ 1pm – 4pm (3hrs) hosted by Grassroots, suicide prevention - 3 spaces available. 

Self-care in the workplace and understanding anxiety on Wednesday 16 March 2022 starting at 10.00 -13.00pm (3hrs) hosted by Linda Hafez, an accredited integrative counsellor – 5 spaces available 

Young people and Mental Health - level one, Nurturing our children in everyday life or during a crisis level 2, Experiencing and experimenting with the tools that calm the nervous system and increase resilience” on Tuesday 31 May 2022 @ 9.30 -4.30pm hosted by Kids Inspire 

Physical impairments and disabilities in the workplace – support, guidance and information, panel event on Thursday 7 July 2022 @ 11 – 11.40am (40 minutes) 

Remember to be kind to yourself.