
Women’s Health Project - Menopause Awareness session

It has been recognised that there are many issues both physical and mental experienced by women and people assigned female at birth. These issues affect all aspects of their lives and can affect their families, friends and colleagues. Many who live or work closely with them will want to understand the issues and support them in what they are going through.

In recognition of these issues over the next few month’s we will be looking at various gender- related issues and conditions to inform and provide empowerment, through prioritising women’s health. These include breast, ovarian, cervical and ovarian cancers, menstrual health and gynecological issues, pregnancy, infertility, loss and menopause to name a few.

The first area of focus is the menopause and we hope by running this women’s health project we will raise awareness and understanding about these issues and the impact they can have at home and in the workplace.

The TUC estimates that 23 per cent of all women in employment (3.5 million women) are of menopausal age (between 45-55) and the importance of women’s health has meant the Westminster government is introducing a strategy for women’s health to develop good practice guidelines.

We will be running an awareness session on 11 July from 10.30am to 12noon, led by Bev Thorogood, Trainer, NLP Practitioner and author. Please see this flyer for further information.