
Worship: Leading & Preaching - Introduction for Tutors, Mentors and Local Preachers' Secretaries

wlp3Since the introduction of WLP 3.0 in September, we have been inviting all new students on the course for Local Preachers and Worship Leaders, and their Tutors and Mentors, to attend an online 90-minute Induction.  These are fortnightly and take-up has been encouraging.  

We now plan to run similar online sessions for Tutors, Mentors and Local Preachers’ Secretaries.  These will offer an introduction to WLP 3.0 and are designed to be particularly helpful for tutors and mentors who do not currently have a student enrolled on WLP 3.0, and therefore haven't been able to attend the WLP 3.0 Induction sessions. 

Three alternative sessions are offered, each with an introduction to the course for new tutors and mentors (or those considering offering for these roles), and for Local Preacher Secretaries.  Booking for each session is through Eventbrite, using this link.

Please pass this invitation to anyone in your network who might be interested in finding out more about WLP 3.0 from the perspective of a Tutor, Mentor or LP Secretary. 

Bob Bartindale, Officer for Worship & Local Preachers