
This calendar shows Continuing Development in Supervision events and Briefing Events for Supervisees across the Connexion.  You can use the Tags drop-down menu to find events in your region.

These events are run locally, so please contact the individual in the event description if you would like to book in or would like more information.

Events will appear on the calendar as they are added. If you don't see what you're looking for, then you can contact your aligned district officer to make an enquiry.

If you would prefer to see the below training options in a format other than calendar view (for example, all events in a list or as visual flyers), then you can toggle the display using the drop down menu on the top righthand side.


Supervision of Supervision

A specialist development module is offered to those who supervise other supervisors as part of their work

Offering supervision to those who are supervising others and those training to be supervisors can require an extra level of attention and understanding for the Supervisor. This 3-day course will enable you to revitalise your supervision skills giving particular thought to what it means to supervise other supervisors and how best to use the tools in your toolkit to make that is a fruitful experience. It is a requirement of reaccreditation that you attend this course if you are supervising one or more supervisors and the hours accrued count for 30 of the 40 hours needed

The dates for 2025 are now published and available:

11-13 Feb 2025 - Supervision of Supervision Training Tickets, Tue 11 Feb 2025 at 9:30 | Eventbrite

29 Apr- 1May 2025 - Supervision of Supervision Training Tickets, Tue 29 Apr 2025 at 9:30 | Eventbrite

15-17 July 2025 - Supervision of Supervision Training Tickets, Tue 15 Jul 2025 at 9:30 | Eventbrite

7-9 Oct 2025 - Supervision of Supervision Training Tickets, Tue 7 Oct 2025 at 9:30 | Eventbrite

Supervision Sessions at the Superintendents Conference

In recent years Supervision has been a topic of regular discussion at the annual Superintendents’ conference. You can watch past sessions using the links below:

From 2022 - A workshop on practical skills in supervision and a keynote presentation about Power and Influence

Click here to gain access to the videos from 2022 which are listed as numbers 3 and 4.

From 2019 - A presentation by Michael Paterson "Talking of God in Supervision"

Click here to gain access to the video from 2019