Wondering if you’re called to be… a Methodist Member?
Read the following words and look at the image below as you ponder the questions.

The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission.
One way to commit to this is for you to become a member. Methodist members are committed to joining together in service, worship, evangelism, learning and caring.
“Ultimately our vocation is to become ourselves, in the thousand thousand variants we are.”
Richard RohrMethodist membership opens doors to the following ministries:
- Pastoral visitor
- Local preacher
- Steward
- Church council member
- Circuit meeting member
- Ordained minister
To Ponder
What do I think church is for?
How would I like to be part of that?
To explore
Have a look at the Our Calling resources below: how does this connect with your answers to what you think church is for?
We talk about living a Methodist Way of Life in response to Our Calling. You can find out more about that here: www.methodist.org.uk/faith/a-methodist-way-of-life/