
Opportunities to explore what God might be calling you to be and do

Explore is an opportunity for any member of the Methodist Church in Britain to take a breath, step back and consider how they are called to respond to God's call through worship, learning & caring, evangelism or service.

You can register up at any time of year, although the course element usually runs from September to May.

Whenever you register you will be offered support through:

  1. Reflecting with an Accompanist
  2. Journaling your experiences
  3. Shadowing people involved in work of the kingdom of God
  4. A range of learning & development resources and support to dip in an out of 
  5. Being part of a group who learn together on a 9 month course 

More details

Registration process 

Watch a conversation here with some of the staff who oversee the processes, as they explain a bit more about Explore. 

For more resources about discerning vocations, and opportunities to serve in the church