
Schedules and Forms

  • Schedules A and C and their supplements (check lists) as well as Schedule D are now part of the ANNUAL RETURNS section of the Methodist Online Suite of Applications (weblink).
    Registration information and guidance documents can be accessed on the Online Suite guidance page (weblink). 
    Church and circuit property checklists can also be downloaded on this page (see below).

The Managing Trustee Annual Returns Checklist - We have made some significant changes to the Annual Returns update to help make it more efficient and relevant to the current needs of the wider Church.  One of the most significant changes users will notice is the drastic reduction in the number of questions.  The questions now focus on Action for Hope and the mission of churches and circuits, which will be fed in to the work that the Connexional Team does and help assess the impact of these initiatives.  However, the questions that were previously on the return have not entirely gone away. They now form The Managing Trustee Annual Returns Checklist (see below). This will make it easier for us to adapt the questions as the needs of the church change over time, but also make it easier for you to submit the information to your circuits and districts, but also store them for your own records. However, although the questions have been removed from the Annual returns, they may still assist you in fulfilling your obligations as a managing trustee. Please note that this is not a complete list, merely guidance to ensure that you keep in mind certain areas of responsibility on an annual basis.  It is suggested that reference should be made to specific District or Circuit requirements.

Building Access Audit

Church checklist

Property checklist for submission to circuits

Manse (circuit) checklist

Property checklist for submission to districts

Managing Trustee Annual Checklist

Annual checklist to fulfil managing trusteeship obligations

Schedule E (updated Oct 2021)

Quinquennial Certificate for Manses

Schedule G (updated May 2022)

Quinquennial Certificate for Chapels and Ancillary premises

Schedule J (updated Nov 2021)

District Manse Committee Visit Report

Inspection, Care and Maintenance of Methodist Buildings

A Guide to their Annual Inspection

District Advance Fund Annual Report Template

Church Property Plan

To be completed alongside a local mission plan

Template for District Property Development Plans

Template for collating responses and having a District overview of Methodist Property

Property Log Book

Templates for a log book