The Resource Hub

Come and reign, O Christ, in our home and its life

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Loving God, you remind us in your Bible that when we find it difficult to pray the “Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words” (Romans 8:26).

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Day and night, we confess your name, O Lord, and proclaim your glory.

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Holy God, you are our greatest treasure, may we search you out in the darkness of our pain and in our light-filled joy, and in the everyday ordinariness of our lives.

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Today, O God, may we drink from the cup of your salvation

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Eternal God, we seek clarity and reassurance in a bewilderingly complex world.

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God of the slave, hope of the captive

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I wonder…
Why you, Lord, choose to hide your treasures and to invite us to join in the divine ‘hide and seek’?

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Be to us, O God, our love and our hope

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Lord of all, by your amazing grace you gift us with all that we need.

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Eternal and glorious Trinity, for whom we thirst and long; for ever let us desire your light

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Precious Jesus,
in you we have found the treasure the world discounts.

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