Bible Studies

We hope you find our 'Word in Time' Bible studies support you in recognising God in Scripture, and the world around you.

Each week’s studies are written by volunteers across the Connexion (you can read the author’s biography after each study). They follow the lectionary of the Methodist Prayer Handbook. You may additionally be interested in our Prayer of the Day, also from the Methodist Prayer Handbook.

If you would like to write for A Word in Time, please email

This week's theme: Slavery and Freedom

I will give you as a light to the nations that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth. (v. 6)
Isaiah 49:1-7
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Can a woman forget her nursing-child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me. (vs. 15-16)
Isaiah 49:1-7
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the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.'" (v. 7)
Isaiah 49:1-7
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"Thus says the Lord: In a time of favour I have answered you, on a day of salvation I have helped you; I have kept you and given you as a covenant to the people, to establish the land, to apportion the desolate heritages; saying to the prisoners, 'Come out,' to those who are in darkness, 'Show yourselves.'" (vv. 8-9)
Isaiah 49:8-15
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"Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands." (v.15-16)
Isaiah 49:8-16a
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Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. (v. 15)
Isaiah 49:8-18
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The Lord God has given me the tongue of a teacher, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word. Morning by morning he wakens — wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught. (v. 4)
Isaiah 50:1-9
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who will declare me guilty?" (v. 9)
Isaiah 50:1-9
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‘Is my hand shortened that it cannot redeem? Or have I no power to deliver?’ (v. 2)
Isaiah 50:1-9
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Isaiah 50:4-10
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from insult and spitting." (v. 6)
Isaiah 50:4-9
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'I gave my back to those who struck me and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard. I did not hide my face from insult and spitting.' (v. 6)
Isaiah 50:4-9a
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