Bible Studies

We hope you find our 'Word in Time' Bible studies support you in recognising God in Scripture, and the world around you.

Each week’s studies are written by volunteers across the Connexion (you can read the author’s biography after each study). They follow the lectionary of the Methodist Prayer Handbook. You may additionally be interested in our Prayer of the Day, also from the Methodist Prayer Handbook.

If you would like to write for A Word in Time, please email

This week's theme: Slavery and Freedom

"While all Israel were crossing over on dry ground, the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, until the entire nation finished crossing over the Jordan." (v.17)
Joshua 3:7-17
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Joshua 4:1 – 5:1
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'These stones shall be to the Israelites a memorial forever.' (v. 7)
Joshua 4:1-5:1
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“(T)hen you shall let your children know, ‘Israel crossed over the Jordan here on dry ground.’ For the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan for you until you crossed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea …” (v. 22-23a)
Joshua 4:1–5:1
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“The manna ceased on the day they ate the produce of the land.” (v. 12)
Joshua 5:10-12
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Joshua 5:13 – 6:20
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When the priests had blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, 'Shout! For the Lord has given you the city. (v. 16)
Joshua 5:13-6:20
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“The city and all that is in it shall be devoted to the Lord for destruction.” (6:17)
Joshua 5:13–6:20
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Joshua 7:1-15
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Proceed to sanctify the people. (v. 13)
Joshua 7:1–15
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"Joshua said, ‘Why did you bring trouble on us? The Lord is bringing trouble on you today.’ And all Israel stoned him to death; they burned them with fire, cast stones on them…” (v. 25)
Joshua 7:16-26
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My son, give glory to the Lord God of Israel and make confession to him. (v. 19)
Joshua 7:16-26
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