Bible Studies

We hope you find our 'Word in Time' Bible studies support you in recognising God in Scripture, and the world around you.

Each week’s studies are written by volunteers across the Connexion (you can read the author’s biography after each study). They follow the lectionary of the Methodist Prayer Handbook. You may additionally be interested in our Prayer of the Day, also from the Methodist Prayer Handbook.

If you would like to write for A Word in Time, please email

This week's theme: God of Compassion

Philemon 1-21
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"So, if you consider me your partner, welcome him as you would welcome me. If he has wronged you in any way, or owes you anything, charge that to my account. I, Paul, am writing this with my own hand: I will repay it. I say nothing about your owing me even your own self. Yes, brother, let me have this benefit from you in the Lord! Refresh my heart in Christ." (v.17-20)
Philemon 7-20
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"Perhaps this is the reason he was separated from you for a while, so that you might have him back for ever, no longer as a slave but more than a slave, a beloved brother - especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord." (v.15-16)
Philemon 7-20
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