Friday 03 December 2010

Bible Book:

"As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him ..." (v. 27)

Matthew 9:27-31 Friday 3 December 2010


This short passage is all about blindness and sight. 

Physical blindness was common in the time of Jesus. It could becaused by the glare of the sun, poor cleanliness and hygiene orfrom the clouds of flies that carried infections. 

But there is also another sort of blindness - being blind toreality or understanding. 

It is quite possible that these two blind men were suffering fromboth. 

When they called out to Jesus, the pair used the title "Son ofDavid". This was a traditional term for the Messiah - the promiseddeliverer from the line of David. (One of the readings that will beheard at many carol services is Isaiah11:1-3, which prophecies that the Messiah will come from "thestump of Jesse" (Jesse was King David's father)). The popular viewof the Messiah was a leader who would restore people's freedom, andlead them to power, glory and greatness. But as the Gospels revealJesus is a very different Messiah. Was this the blind men's viewtoo? 

Jesus didn't respond to the appeals for help immediately. Insteadhe went into a house (verse 26), which meant that the blind men hadto come to him. On meeting them, Jesus asks them a single question,"Do you believe that I am able to do this?" and waits for theiranswer. It is only then that he moves into action. 

"And their eyes were opened" (verse 30) - the passage implies thattheir physical sight was restored, but there is also an implicationthat their spiritual sight was recovered and they could see Jesusfor who he really was. This is reinforced by Jesus' command to "Seethat no one knows of this". The irony is the use of the word "see"again. 

But the change in them was so great - after all it wouldn't bedifficult to realise that a person you once knew was blind couldnow see, and the news about Jesus was spread "throughout thatdistrict" (verse 31). 

To Ponder

What do you believe that Jesus is able to do?

Think of times when your faith and understandingin Jesus has deepened, as if you were once blind, but then youcould see. What happened?

The men could keep their meeting with Jesussecret. What can you not keep a secret, in terms of your faith anddiscipleship? If you find you can keep everything a secret, why doyou think that might be?

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