Friday 03 February 2023

Bible Book:

My brothers and sisters, do you with your acts of favouritism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ? (v. 1)

James 2:1-7 Friday 3 February 2023

Psalm 132


I am  grateful to the compilers of the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible for this translation of James’ words in verse 1. They are rather more clear and concise than the King James Authorised Version where James is recorded as saying: "… have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons."

 The word 'respect' has been replaced by ‘favouritism’. Favouritism was clearly a problem in the Early Church to whom James was writing and is much more easily and properly understood than the term ‘respect of persons’ which is the New Testament phrase for undue and unfair partiality, ie paying special attention or pandering to someone, often because they are wealthy or powerful.  It is a fault the New Testament consistently condemns.

That said, the problem of favouritism is not confined to the Early Church and is an issue we have to continually challenge today. The Methodist Church holds firm to our calling as an inclusive Church and has done so since the time of our founder, John Wesley.  Famously we declare that position through the ‘Four Alls’ of Methodism, penned sometime not long after the death of John Wesley:: All need to be saved, All can be saved, All can know themselves to be saved, All can be saved to the uttermost.

Whatever you make of the 'Four Alls' of Methodism, they underpin the full inclusivity of the gospel which James is promoting to the Early Church. I rejoice in that. I'm privileged to be in a ministry role where I seek to inspire circuits, local churches and church members to be inwardly caring within their fellowships, in order they may be outwardly sharing of the Christian message and our communities may be places where new disciples can grow and develop a real and living faith.

No more ‘that’s my pew’ attitudes for us!  All are welcome. Or are they really?  That’s the challenge of being truly inclusive.  All are truly welcome in this place wherever that may be for you and me.


 ‘Let us build a house where love can dwell’ 

To Ponder:

  • Ask yourself, am I guilty of favouritism and exclusion? Pray for forgiveness.
  • How can your welcome be warm and real?
  • Be aware of the ways in which you can make a difference by being open and inclusive to all.


Welcoming God, warm our hearts, melt our cold attitudes, and help us to live out the gospel by expressing openness and real love for all. Amen.

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