Friday 06 January 2012
- Bible Book:
- Isaiah
and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." (v. 1)
Today, many parts of the Christian Church celebrate the Epiphany- that is the appearing of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles (non-Jews).It is normally associated with the Magi, believed to be the firstnon-Jewish people to worship Christ, and today's passage hasspecial relevance to that. The word Epiphany also means 'dawning' -the light of the sun rising over the horizon, bringing an end tothe darkness of night.
This passage is part of the final 'act' of Isaiah. After the Exileto Babylon, some of God's people have begun to return to theirhomeland, under the rule of conquering Persian king Cyrus. Theexile was a humiliating period of great "darkness" (v. 2) for theJewish people: many were carried off to strange lands, includingmost of the ruling classes, while others stayed put in the occupiedland. As they started to return home, life back in Judea was farfrom easy. The people were still not their own masters and theirway of life had been altered by foreign influences. Forming acommunity of God's people was extremely difficult. The traditionalways were no longer accepted by everyone, and the temple had to berebuilt. There was light at the end of the tunnel, but there wasstill a long way to go. Their hopes and salvation were caught inthe tension between 'now' and 'not yet'.
While they were in Babylon, the exiled Jewish people took heart inremembering their history and faith. They would recount thecreation story to help them retain their own identity - who theywere, and who God was, in the midst of so much that was strange tothem. Theirs was the God who said, "let there be light!" (
Earlier in Isaiah, the call had been to 'wake up' - rousing themfrom a slumber (51:9,
To Ponder
Think again about the Magi following a light toJerusalem, and then Bethlehem (
How remarkable is it, that from one smallmovement of disciples (like a little spark) Christianity shouldspread the light and love of Israel's God to every nation onearth?
Can we hear the challenge to our churches today:'Arise, shine; for your light has come'? How do we live as peopleof the light?