Friday 07 November 2008

Bible Book:

"Stand firm in the Lord." (4:1)

Philippians 3:17 – 4:1 Friday 7 November 2008


(For some background to Paul's letter to the Philippians, read thebeginning of Monday's background notes.)

In this section of the letter, Paul is asking the Christians atPhilippi to copy him. At the same time he draws a distinctionbetween the Church and the rest of society. He makes thedistinction a moral one: the Church is good and the rest of societyis bad. Written within a context of persecution I can understandwhy Paul writes the way he does.

The best possible way to live, as Paul understood things, was tostand firm - live a life of faith in Jesus Christ. This life neededto be disciplined and certain. Paul clearly understood this; heeven understood that the way other people lived could be atemptation. He also realised that people needed the promise ofsomething better so they would keep on living a committed Christianlifestyle.

Paul promised future rewards to help people persevere in living theway Paul believed they should live - to please God. Part of thereward would be a change of position and prestige and thosepersecuted and considered less important in their earthly liveswould become the truly privileged ones in the kingdom.

To Ponder

Does the Christian life always need to bedisciplined and stoical? What are the advantages and disadvantagesof living this way?

If God made the world good, why should theChristian live in a way that marks a contrast to the rest ofsociety?

Is it inevitable that those people who mostmarkedly live the life of faith find themselves persecuted?Why?

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