Friday 10 February 2012

Bible Book:

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me." (v. 1)

Isaiah 61:1-9 Friday 10 February 2012


This passage must be one of the most famous parts of Isaiah. Ithas inspired people throughout history to discover their vocationand to step into the next phase of their lives - not least of all,Jesus himself. This passage forms the basis of Jesus' appearance inthe synagogue where he speaks publicly about his ministry and thecoming of the kingdom of God (Luke4:14-21). 

It can be difficult for us to disassociate Isaiah from the waythat Jesus has interpreted this passage, and perhaps we should noteven try. 

At a basic level, we are given the opportunity to see howScripture can speak into this world, and can reveal the truth thatbrings us to life and transforms us as we incarnate the word ofGod. It begs the question: How are we enabling Scripture to narrateour lives, to help us to discover our vocation and to transform usinto graced human beings? 

At a deeper level, we can become deeply aware of the importantlinks between the despair in Isaiah, and the prophetic fulfilmentthat we find through Jesus - the person pointed to in Isaiah59 - as God gets involved in the world in Godself throughGod's son. 

This is a beautiful passage which demonstrates that the great eraof grace has dawned. 

This era of God's grace is marked in a number of ways. With God'srule and grace at central place (and for Christians, with Jesus asthe embodiment and incarnation of this), the kingdom brings forthgood news to the poor, announces freedom (physically andmetaphorically) to those who are held captive, light for those indarkness, comfort for those who are broken, and joy to those whoare experiencing the struggles of life. 

This is a promise for the Israelites and is fulfilled throughJesus Christ. The challenge remains for contemporary readers tocontinue to proclaim God's favour and to find ways of living in thepower of the Spirit of the sovereign God, which continues toincarnate the era of God's grace.

To Ponder

How does God display God's own splendour throughyou and around you?

"The Spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon [you]"(v. 1 (NIV)). What are you being anointed/called to do?

How are you going to incarnate God's era ofgrace, today?

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