Friday 10 July 2009
"'I am God, the God of your father,' he said. 'Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph's own hand will close your eyes'." (v.3-4)
It doesn't matter how old you are. If God calls, you have toobey. By this stage in the story, Jacob was established and settledas the patriarch of a large family. Some would say the wrong timeto become an economic migrant, even if your favourite son has madegood in a foreign land.
For Jacob, it was not only leaving what he had become settled with,there must also have been a feeling that he was abandoning thatwhich God had promised him - the Promised Land. But Jacob learnsthat for a person of faith, it doesn't reallymatter where you are, for God goes withyou, and what's more, God will bring you back if that is what Godwills.
I live near Heathrow airport in London and I regularly go and meetoverseas visitors to the British Methodist Church when they arrive.As I wait for our guests, I watch people coming out througharrivals and many older people look worried and afraid until themoment they see the family or friend who is meeting them. Irecently watched a family arrive, perhaps from Pakistan orAfghanistan, and the sons from London rushed to greet the agedfather. They kissed and embraced, and then each of the childrenbowed their heads towards the father, who touched and blessed themin turn. It must have been something like this when Jacob andJoseph met after the years of separation: an overwhelming feelingof happiness and hope for the future.
How surprising then that when it came to settling, it was not thecourt of Pharaoh that Joseph proposed, but a place that theEgyptians despised - Goshen (
To Ponder
Why do you think Joseph wanted his family settledin Goshen? How important is it for you to live near to others whoshare your faith or beliefs?
Where is your spiritual home? Why?
If you were moving to a completely new countrytoday, what would you take with you? And what would you not missabout your old home?
How do you overcome fear when attemptingsomething new?