Friday 11 July 2014
“You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that testify on my behalf. Yet you refuse to come to me and have life.” (v. 39)
Grenada is a place where everyone is close tothe places of power. The education minister lives next door, thefinance minister sits in a pew nearby, the prime minster drivesdown the road on his way to work. A small nation is much moreclosely connected to those persons who hold the highest publicoffice. That means, for good or for bad, a lot of things get donethrough the relationships and connections that people have witheach other. It's often a case of not what you know, but who youknow, to get things done.
Our passage today continues the explanation of the Son and theFather and our connection to the Father through the Son (
To Ponder
- "In the Kingdom of God it's not what you know, but who youknow" - Do you agree? How does that make you feel?
- How close do you feel to the places of power? Howhelpful/unhelpful do you find this?
- How are you as a witness to who Jesus is? What might you do tobe better?