Friday 11 March 2022
Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, ‘Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.’ (v. 22)
The text today records Jesus as one who relates well with people of faith. It is encouraging that the Christian faith is not just a belief that dogmas or moral opinions are true, rather it is a faith of ultimate reality. It says that Jesus is accessible to all and he is even on our side! Jesus touched and healed people who trusted him as a messenger of God’s love.
In the text, a leader of the synagogue who had lost his daughter petitions and kneels before Jesus, requesting him to intervene, saying: “My daughter has just died; but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.” (v. 18)
While Jesus was following the synagogue leader, a woman who had been suffering from haemorrhages for 12 years touched the fringe of his cloak and Jesus tells her that her faith has made her well. He then goes on to bring the leader of the synagogue's daughter back to life. (Matthew 9:19-26)
The actions of the ruler highlights the plight of the poor and the woman who suddenly appears is among the poor. This woman with the issue of the flow of blood would have been ostracised from her community for being unclean. Mark 5:26 reports that the woman had spent all her wealth on professionals and had only grown worse.
I am intrigued why the synagogue leader falls at the feet of Jesus and I wonder why he asked him to help his daughter. After all, such a powerful man in society presumably would have had the resources to seek out a professional physician. Yet he decided to approach Jesus and request his healing touch.
To Ponder:
- What lessons on parenting and leadership can we learn from the example of the synagogue leader?
- What lessons can we derive from the behaviour of the woman who secretly touched Jesus’ garment?
- How do Jesus’ words and actions in the above text mould our Christian lives?