Friday 14 August 2009
"Now if you are unwilling to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served in the region beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." (v.15)
After many adventures, and ups and downs on the part of theIsraelites after their entry into Canaan (much of it bloody and warravaged), the land was eventually divided up between the tribes ofIsrael.
This passage, which comes almost at the end of the book of Joshua,is set "when the Lord had given rest to Israel from all theirenemies around" (23:1). Joshua is old and close to death, and so hecalls the people together for a communal act of commitment toGod.
The Israelites had journeyed for a long time and sometimes theircommitment to the Lord had wavered. Some of them had continued toor had begun to worship the gods that their forefathers hadworshipped in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Hence, Joshua is appealing tothem to recommit their lives to the Lord.
He makes it clear that they are free to choose for themselves whomthey will serve. But Joshua makes his commitment to the Lordpublic, hoping to encourage them to make the same response.
In the end they decide to make a firm commitment as a people totrust, serve and worship the Lord God who had delivered them fromEgypt, and led them through the wilderness into this 'PromisedLand'. The covenant (verse 25) is a reference to the solemnagreement made between Joshua and the Israelites on one side, andGod on the other.
To Ponder
What about you? Have you committed yourself tofollowing God, to walking God's way and to following through withthe journey? Who could you talk to about it if you were unsure, orwanted more information?
What factors can cause Christians to lose sightof God and their faith on the journey through life?