Friday 14 May 2010

Bible Book:

"And they cast lots for them and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles." (v.26)

Acts 1:15-26 Friday 14 May 2010


Following the death of Judas Iscariot - the disciple who hadbetrayed Jesus - it was felt necessary to appoint someone toreplace him. Jesus had originally chosen 12 disciples (Luke6:12-16) who were to "sit on thrones judging the twelve tribesof Israel" (Luke 22:30). Matthias and Joseph Barabbas - the twocandidates for this position - are both thought to have beenamongst the 70 whom Jesus had sent "ahead of him in pairs to everytown and place where he himself intended to go" (Luke 10:1).Despite the significance given to this appointment, Matthias isnever mentioned again, and the 12 do not appear to have played aprominent collective role in the early Church.

Peter has already emerged as the leader of the community. It is hewho stands up to address and chair the meeting. He quotes from thebook of Psalms (Psalm 69:25109:8), which indicates that the JewishScriptures remained a source of authority for the followers ofJesus. Peter also makes it clear that being a witness to theresurrection is the primary task of the apostles and that theperson to be appointed must be someone who has been with Jesusthroughout his earthly ministry.

In this opening chapter of Acts we move from the ascension of Jesusinto a business meeting! There is a time for prayer before theelection, and reference is made in the verse immediately beforePeter's speech that the community "were constantly devotingthemselves to prayer" (Acts 1:14). Nevertheless, this already seemsto be a very different way of being 'church' than the model Jesushad given. He had prioritised prayer, teaching, pastoral care,healing and mission. As soon as Jesus had ascended into heaven, hisfollowers turn to the administration, bureaucracy, meetings andappointments which take up so much time and energy in contemporarychurch life.

To Ponder

Do you think Peter was elected as chairperson orwas self-appointed? How are appointments made in your church and/orcommunity?

When was the last time you had a choice betweentwo options? What or who helped you to come to a decision?

How do you/your church determine your priorities?How do you know if you have got it right?

Thursday 13 May 2010
Saturday 15 May 2010