Friday 15 February 2008
- Bible Book:
- Hebrews
"Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (4:16)
The writer of the letter to the Hebrews is seeking to encouragepeople to be persistent in their faith. He is reminding them thatJesus was tempted as we are but he persevered and found thestrength not to sin.
The Christian life can be a struggle and at times our best effortsseem to come to nothing. We upset people, we let people down, welet ourselves down and everything we attempt seems to go wrong. Itis at this point we need to find comfort and reassurance in ourfaith. The writer of this letter invites us to stand before God'sthrone. It is simply an invitation to stand in the presence of Godand receive mercy and grace - which will be of help to us in ourneed.
Mercy and grace sound an odd combination. Together they describethe support and affirmation we find from our faith in God. Mercydescribes the experience of forgiveness. Grace helps us comprehendthe essential loving nature of the God we believe in. Theexperience of forgiveness and the affirmation of worth often giveus the resources we need to continue with the struggle to live theChristian life.
As we find comfort and assurance from being treated in such agracious and forgiving manner by God it gives us the chance totreat others in the same way. When we do we are creating somethingrich and precious, for ourselves and for others.
To Ponder
When do you find yourself in the presence of God?What is it about that experience which gives you encouragement?
How would you help someone else benefit from thesame experience you have of being in the presence of God?
Do you know anyone who needs to be shown mercyand grace? Is there anyone you need to forgive and love as yourespond to the presence of God in your life?