Friday 16 May 2008

Bible Book:

"But Moses said to him, 'Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the LORD's people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit on them!'" (v.29)

Numbers 11:24-30 Friday 16 May 2008


Moses was leading the people through the wilderness, but thepeople were complaining about their misfortunes (11:1). Theirgrumbling weighed heavily on Moses until he cried out to God, "I amnot able to carry all this people alone, for they are too heavy forme" (11:14).

In this situation God invites Moses to gather 70 elders to the tentof meeting so that they might share with Moses the burden ofleadership. God promises to "take some of the spirit that is on youand put it on them; and they shall bear the burden of the peoplealong with you so that you will not bear it all by yourself"(11:17).

Today's verses pick up the story at that point. Moses selects the70 elders and God fulfils the promise. As we read these verses wemay find the language unusual - particularly the almost physicaldescription of the Spirit - as God takes some of the Spirit thatwas on Moses and distributes it amongst the elders. It may be thatthis physical imagery indicates that not only is the Spiritdistributed to the elders - but also the burden of leadership isnow shared among them all.

Two of the elders, Eldad and Medad, remained in the camp andprophesised there (rather than at the tent with the others) andthis matter is raised with Moses as a cause for concern. Can it beright that these two men are prophesying in a differentplace?

This context may be different from ours but the question is very upto date. Is the Holy Spirit only active in places and in ways thatwe understand or feel are appropriate? What should be our responsewhen the Spirit seems to be at work in a way that seems to us to be'out of the ordinary'?

Moses' hope that "all the Lord's people were prophets, and that theLord would put his spirit on them" (verse 29) is a prayer for today- that all of God's people might be open to the working of the HolySpirit in our lives.

To Ponder

Are you aware of people who God has provided tooffer you help and support when the burdens you carry becomeparticularly heavy and difficult? Thank God for them.

How can we acknowledge the working of the HolySpirit even when this appears to be in unexpected places andthrough unexpected people?

What prophetic words or actions might God beasking of you this week?

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