Friday 17 January 2014

Bible Book:

"Then afterwards I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men will see visions." (v. 28)

Joel 2:28-32 Friday 17 January 2014


This portion of the writing of the prophet Joel is probably themost familiar to Christians, as Peter quotes it in his sermon onthe day of Pentecost (Acts2:17). The first part of the book is concerned with the locustinfestation of the land. The prophet describes the horror of it andcalls the people to repentance. And just ahead of this particularpassage is the prayer of lament offered by the people as they cryout to God for deliverance.

Here, today, we have the response. God has heard the cry of thepeople, had pity, and acted to bring deliverance from the immediatethreat. All the problems suffered will be overturned and thelocusts will be eradicated. Grain, wine and oil will be availablein abundance. No one will be able to mock the people, as if theywere foolishly worshipping a god who has little concern and nopower to help those in relationship with this god.

This is the turning point. From here onwards the book of Joel willno longer look to the past but will focus on the future. The locustthreat is over and the identification of it with God's harshjudgement has, for now, receded. God's promises, seen at the end ofthe locust plague, are now projected into the distant future - theend time when no more earthly threats from either nature orhumanity will remain. In the end, God will make everything rightand everyone in the community will receive the Spirit.

It is the Spirit that brings power, just as it did when it fell onancient judges and kings to enable them to do extraordinary things.And Joel promises a democratisation of the prophetic office -people of all ages and stations will befilled by the Spirit. In that time there will no longer be the needfor prophets, for in the new day of the Lord all people will haveaccess to the things of God.

To Ponder

  • There are many situations in life and places in the world whichseem to be devoid of hope. How, as Christian people, can weproclaim the gospel message of hope in such places? Have you beeninvolved in such a mission through your local church?
  • Have you ever felt yourself to have been in that dark place ofhopelessness? Did anything or anyone speak into that particularplace and help you recover hope again? What made the difference toyou?
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