Friday 19 April 2013
Time moves on swiftly in the Book of Daniel. A new king,Belshazzar, replaces his father Nebuchadnezzar, whose power overDaniel and the other Israelite exiles in Babylon dominated theprevious four chapters of the book.
If Nebuchadnezzar had finally come to understand the limitationsof human power in relation to that of the Most High God of Israel(and it's a big 'if'), it is immediately apparent that his son hasignored any wisdom that his father may have gained. The Queen(probably the Queen Mother, Nebuchadnezzar's wife) is the only linkwith the past. She recalls Daniel's wisdom and insight (verses11-12). Perhaps she remembers, also, the lessons he taughtBelshazzar's father and, alone in the court, fears now for what isto come. A realignment of the world's superpowers is on the cardsbut Belshazzar is oblivious to it. The writing is on the wall -literally, as it turns out - but he simply indulges in drunkenrevels.
That phrase, "the writing is on the wall", is one laden withdoom - the sense that a bad outcome is inevitable; there is noturning back. The question is: for the author of this story, whatis it that has brought Babylon to the eve of collapse?
What undoubtedly would have shocked the story's first readers isthe idea that, under the influence of alcohol, Belshazzar ordersthe vessels plundered from the temple at Jerusalem to be used asdinner service at his banquet. It's an act of sacrilege thatsuggests that the author knew of the actual desecration of thetemple in 167 BC. The use of this detail signals not only thatBelshazzar takes no account of the beliefs and dignity of othernations; it is also symbolic of Babylon's warped priorities in theface of God's will for all peoples. It is this that will beBelshazzar's undoing.
To Ponder
- The story of "the writing on the wall" feels rooted in aparticular historic time and place. But in what ways does the talefeels contemporary to you?
- How far do you think God is angered by the misuse of religiousproperty?
- What do you think most offends God in our society orworld?