Friday 22 May 2009
- Bible Book:
- Acts
"One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision, 'Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent; for I am with you, and no one will lay a hand on you to harm you for there are many in this city who are my people.' He stayed there for a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them." (v.9-11)
While Paul, with the help of Silas and Timothy, devoted himselffully to the preaching and teaching of the people in Corinth, theopposition from the Jews became increasingly powerful. Paul becameextremely discouraged. In a subsequent letter to the Corinthians,he admits that he was in a state of weakness, fear and trembling (1Corinthians 2:3).
Paul's problems were two fold:
- Prestigious citizens of Corinth regarded him as a personwithout strength, influence or privilege because of his trade as atentmaker, or more accurately, a leatherworker. This places him onlevel with a slave.
- The Jews on the other hand wanted him to stop preaching aboutJesus, which meant the threat to his personal safety was alwayspresent. This seemingly endless opposition to his ministry beginsto have an effect on his spiritual life.
Even though Paul received a divine promise that no harmwould befall him through any attack in Corinth, he wasn't promisedthat no attack would be made.
The Roman Governor Gallio, listening to the charges, decidesthat Paul was simply propagating a variety of Judaism which did notcommend itself to the leaders of the local Jewishcommunity.
Gallio's ruling, in effect, meant that as long as Paul andhis associates committed no breach of public order, they would beoffered protection which Roman law guaranteed to the practise ofJudaism. A ruling by a Roman governor would not only be effectivewithin his province, but could be followed as a precedent bygovernors of other provinces too.
To Ponder
Paul talks of being weak and fearful to the pointof trembling in Corinth (1 Corinthians 2:3). In what ways, do youthink, was he supported and strengthened?
Are there moments when you feel discouragedand/or fearful in your Christian life? How does God support you atthese times?