Friday 23 November 2007

Bible Book:
2 Thessalonians

"For it is indeed just of God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to the afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels." (v.6-7)

2 Thessalonians 1:3-12 Friday 23 November 2007


Paul had left the Church at Thessalonica quickly after only ashort stay (Acts17:5-10), so recent converts were left with very little supportor guidance. This letter strikes an encouraging note providing someinstruction about the way they should try and live theirlives.

In today's Bible reading we are reminded that those who try to liverighteous lives will face persecution from their detractors. Thewriter of the epistle also suggests that Christians need to beaware that although their words and actions may stem from a sinceredesire to see people being saved, some will take umbrage and opposethem. It is at times like this that Christians can be comforted byknowledge that their deeds are in keeping with God's will.

The persecution of Christians comes in many forms - from the threatof death and physical punishment to discrimination and abuse. It iseasy to become angry and embittered when facing such mistreatmentand a human response is often to seek vengeance on those who slightus. In today's passage it says that God is the only one with theauthority to punish the wrongs committed by others.

God is indeed righteous God, but he is also a God of justice,mercy, holiness and truth. His wrath is always measured andproportionate and without partiality - traits that are oftenmissing from human acts of retaliation, which are either calculatedor done in the heat of the moment.

Equally, human acts of retaliation are often associated withdestruction, while the Godly response to maltreatment is seen inthe death of Jesus, which brought about life and liberty to thosebound by sin.

To Ponder

What would Jesus do if he faced persecution?

How can we ensure that we remain faithful andloving in the face of opposition?

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