Friday 25 January 2013
"But when God, who had set me apart before I was born and called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, so that I might proclaim him among the Gentiles …" (vv. 15-16)
Today Christians celebrate the Conversion of St Paul, theapostle responsible more than any other for the fact that thefollowers of Jesus became a worldwide Church rather than simply areform movement within Judaism. We tend to remember the story ofhis conversion on the road to Damascus (
It's also worth noting the context of this letter. It's writtento a Christian community in Galatia where there is a dispute abouthow far new Gentile converts to Christianity should have to conformto the existing Jewish law. Paul begins by stressing the divinerevelation that forms the basis of his calling (verse 11) and thenthe strength of his own Jewish background and former persecution ofthe Church (verses 13-14).
But then comes Paul's conversion experience, in which Godreveals not only God's Son, but also his own calling to be anapostle to the Gentiles (verses 15-16). Paul goes on to explore themeaning of this call first in Arabia, then Damascus, and thenbegins a ministry that takes him into Syria and Cilicia, a ministrywhich has become widely known to those in the wider Church because"the one who formerly was persecuting us is now proclaiming thefaith he once tried to destroy" (v. 23).
However, in giving this account of his conversion and calling,Paul is anxious to keep his distance from the apostles and thechurch in Jerusalem (verses 18-19). This is partly because he wantsto stress the divine origin of his mission to the Gentiles; butalso because he knows that the position he is advocating, which isnot to insist on conformity to the Jewish law for Gentile converts,is one which will bring him into conflict with Cephas (Peter) andthe other apostles in Jerusalem. (Indeed, it is precisely thisargument with Peter that he will pick up in the next chapter ofthis letter.)
To Ponder
- Paul's conversion led him to a vision of a worldwide church.How comfortable are you in sharing your faith with people ofdifferent backgrounds and traditions?
- It also led him into a discussion about the role of the Jewishlaw - what place do you think there is for rules and regulations inthe Christian faith?
- Some Christians seek to follow a 'rule of life'. Have you donethis - and how helpful did you find it? If not, what might youinclude in a rule of life that you could follow?