Friday 27 September 2024

Do not ordain anyone hastily, and do not participate in the sins of others; keep yourself pure. (v. 22)

1 Timothy 5:17-22 Friday 27 September 2024

Psalm 73:1-14

Having reflected on the profound nature of Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 3:16) yesterday, Paul returns today, in chapter 5 of his letter to Timothy, to his rather scrupulous examination of those who are taking office within the Early Church to whom he is writing this letter.

Paul's words are directed at those who would take a leadership role in teaching – from the pulpit or elsewhere – pointing out initially they should have respect from their listeners and that their words should be taken to be truly inspired by God. Paul also comments on the way in which some folk in this position might not live up to their office. He points out that it should not be a quiet word in the ear of the person being criticised, but the criticism should be brought out into the open. Having heard testimony from witnesses who have brought the criticism forward, the person concerned should be openly criticised, and brought to shame before the congregation.

This is not to say that rumour should be believed without evidence, but allegations should be searched carefully to find out the facts. The way forward should come about through discipline to ensure that those in leadership have the integrity required to fulfil their office. The final words of the passage (v. 22) remind the Church that just because a person might put themself forward for a particular role within the Church, such callings should be seriously examined before being acknowledged by ordination or other method.

To Ponder:

  • Are there times when, although alarmed at either the lifestyle or the words of a person in a responsible church position, we neglect to speak of it – either because it might hurt the person’s feelings, or because we do not feel it's our place to comment?
  • Do we ever pause and reflect on our own lifestyle and understanding of the world which would, if brought before the commandments of Jesus which form the foundation of our faith, bring us to a place of failure and something we should be criticised for?
  • When we make our prayers of confession, do we bring ourselves openly before God, praying not only for others but also that we should be brought up short when we fail God in some way? Are we prepared for that prayer to be answered?

As we come before you, Lord and Saviour, we are aware of our own weakness, of the times when you, our God, are not at the forefront of our minds. We ask that you help us to do our best to reflect Jesus' life in the lives we live and our day-to-day activities within the Church, and in the world. We ask, with the help of your Holy Spirit, to stay true to our faith day by day. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Pat Billsborrow
Pat came into ministry 37 years ago and has been a supernumerary for 18 years. She is happy to continue serving wherever she is needed.

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