Friday 30 September 2022
A capable wife who can find? She is far more precious that jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. (v.10-11)
The final verses of Proverbs form an acrostic poem – each verse beginning with a letter of the alphabet – in praise of a capable wife. Today’s reading considers the first half of this poem although you might like to read the whole of it (vs 10-31) and consider whether the impression it gives changes when you read the whole. For example the selected verses for today focus on what might be called the wife’s 'cottage industries' whereas the later verses emphasise her social achievements.
In line with the culture of its times, the passage evaluates the wife with reference to her husband whose trust in her (v.11) leads on to his political empowerment due to her efforts (v. 23) and then to his praise of her (v. 28).
A question debated among scholars is whether this poem concerns a real woman or a woman as the personification of wisdom as in 1:20-33, 8:1-36 and 9:1-6 whom the reader is encouraged to embrace as he would a wife. But one interpretation need not render the other invalid. Ruth (Ruth 3:11 describes her as a “worthy woman”) is someone who might be considered to fit the bill.
The poem is couched in military metaphors, generally rejected by translators. The more accurate adjective to describe the wife in verse 10 is “valiant” and verse 11 more correctly refers to spoils (of battle) rather than gain of any other kind. But the main body of today’s verses concern the wife’s economic contribution to the household as they describe how she produces clothing from scratch and then uses her profit to buy land and establish a vineyard. Diligent trading enables her to source exotic foodstuffs for her family from afar (v.14). Hard work is an important dimension of her activity (v.15). The reference to the distaff in verse 19 is probably one that suggests a particularly adept skill.
The reference in verse 18 to “her lamp not going out at night” is probably not suggesting she works all hours but that her endeavours means that she can afford oil to keep the lamps burning. But we also note from verse 20 that she chooses to share her wealth with the poor.
To Ponder:
- What is your initial reaction on reading a poem that describes a wife in such terms as these?
- The woman is praised for importing food from afar (v.14). In your view what are the pros and cons of making the most of world cuisine relative to depending on local food?
- All in all, do you consider the lifestyle of the capable wife portrayed here is one to aspire to, or do you question any aspects of it?