Friday 31 January 2014

Bible Book:

Romans 2:17-29 Friday 31 January 2014


Gentiles (non Jews) and Jews are capable of goodand evil. The Jews seem to have an advantage: they are guided bythe clear teaching of the written law (in the first five OldTestament books). So would it not be reasonable to expect Gentilesto become Jews if in their hearts they are serious about doing whatGod requires? Paul, being a Jew who was trained as a Pharisee, wasparticularly sensitive on this issue, because that was standardPharisaic policy. But what in fact have been the outcomes of Jewishhistory and faith?

The law was the finest gift entrusted to Jews.For Paul, as for every Jew, it had an extraordinary capacity toreveal God's will to everyone, Jew and Gentile. So Jews wereessentially advocates of the law (with the Ten Commandments (Exodus20) at its heart).

However, the law's weakness was its inability tomake saints of its devotees. In practice, says Paul, Jews do notkeep the law. Flawed Jewish lives dishonour God.

The underlying problems are the confusions andambiguities in every human heart. They have to be reformed.However, no external, physical entity (even the law), nor anyphysical act, however significant (like circumcision), cuts any icewith inner spiritual turmoil. It is this apparently unstoppableturmoil that issues in ungodly behaviour.

To Ponder

  • Bringing up children to be good people is a heavyresponsibility for parents and grandparents. How important as rolemodels are adults in the family? How can the Church best helpparents and grandparents?
  • The moral education of children and young people is influencedby many individuals, institutions and cultural forces. What in yourexperience best supports the young to work out right and wrong, andwhat most threatens their development?
  • Why do we find it so difficult to say sorry, and mean it?
Thursday 30 January 2014
Saturday 01 February 2014