Monday 02 January 2012
- Bible Book:
- Luke
"After eight days has passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb." (v. 21)
Traditionally in many Church calendars, the feast of the namingand circumcision of Jesus is celebrated on 1 January (or the dayafter if 1 January is a Sunday), and this is based on a singleverse (Luke 2:21). Today's passage takes us from the heights of thenativity story, with shepherds and angels praising God, down tomore intimate and ordinary rituals as family life begins. A Jewishboy is given a name at his Brit Milah ceremony ('covenant ofcircumcision'), usually on the eighth day after birth, performed inthe home or a synagogue. This is a traditional sign of belongingthat goes back to God's covenant with Abraham (
Jesus' circumcision is not given much attention by the NewTestament writers, probably because it was such a common rite ofpassage in their experience but possibly also because circumcisionhad become a controversial issue in the early days of the growingChurch consisting of Jews and non-Jews. The name of Jesus,meanwhile, is a deeply meaningful and powerful subject: a namegiven by an angel (Matthew 1:21;
The circumcision of Jesus marked him as a child of God within thecovenant family of Abraham. The name of Jesus is itself a mark ofall those who would call themselves Christian: baptized in the nameof Father, Son and Spirit, praying in the name of Jesus, and tryingto live in the name of Jesus. It is this sort of 'circumcision'that Paul urged his confused readers to strive for: a sense ofbelonging to Christ based not on outward appearances or rituals butrather a "spiritual circumcision" (
To Ponder
Infant christenings, dedications and namingceremonies all have their roots in this ancient Jewish practice.How important is it that we mark the birth of children inceremonies before God?