Monday 02 July 2012

Bible Book:

"When those who were around him saw what was coming, they asked, 'Lord, should we strike with the sword?' Then one of them struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his right ear. But Jesus said, 'No more of this!' And he touched his ear and healed him." (vv. 49-51)

Luke 22:47-62 Monday 2 July 2012


Whilst praying in the garden Jesus is met by a group that is inmany ways symbolic of all of the prejudice he has met in hisministry. It consists of the scribes who have sought to prove Jesuswas breaking the laws of their Scripture, the guards from thetemple who only allow 'the right sort of people' to enter and thehigh priest who seeks to protect his position and authority withthe people.

In the face of this opposition, Jesus appears as a symbol ofhope and light. His question (verses 52-53) as to why they have notarrested him in daylight underlines the fact that they are seekingto dispose of him under cover of darkness but his statement that"this is your hour" (v. 53) underlines Jesus' belief that theseevents are unfolding for a reason and that God is still ultimatelyin control. As he tells the disciples to put away their swords andquietly heals the ear of the injured man, Jesus demonstrates loveand healing in the face of violence and confusion. And the contrastof his healing touch with the violent hands of those who arrest himpowerfully prefigures the way in which he will shortly lay down hislife.

In Peter's conversation by the fireside (verses 54-60) we seeagain a reminder of God's place in these events. As Peter warmshimself at the fire he unwittingly provides some onlookers withenough light by which to recognise him and others with enough tosee from his clothes that he is a Galilean like Jesus.

As the accusations mount up, Peter repeatedly denies knowingJesus. Only when the cock crows (verse 60) does he remember Jesusprophesy that Peter would deny him (made at a time when Peter waspromising to follow Jesus forever (verse 34)). It is thisrealisation and the ensuing guilt that moves him to tears (verse62).

It is tempting to read this passage as a depressing account ofJesus' ability to predict Peter's failings. But (with the benefitof hindsight) this account of Peter reminds us that Jesus willshortly restore and forgive him in a way that Peter cannot yetimagine (John 21:15-19). It reminds us too that Jesusinvited Peter to follow him even though he knew he would fail andin this realisation we can all find hope for our journeys offaith.

To Ponder

  • Where can you offer healing and reconciliation today?

  • How important is the forgiving nature of God for you? Why?

  • What misplaced guilt may be holding you back in your walk withGod today?


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