Monday 03 April 2017

Bible Book:
Song of Solomon

“My beloved is mine and I am his; he pastures his flock among the lilies.” (v. 16)

Song of Solomon 2:1-17 Monday 3 April 2017

Psalm: Psalm 132


Are you wondering why are we reading the Song of Solomon in theweek before Holy Week? Traditionally Christians have viewed thispoem as an allegory of Christ's love for the Church, or the soul ofthe individual: that love which was expressed to the uttermost inhis suffering and death. This week we have the opportunity to pauseand reflect on the nature of that love. Let us look at this passagefrom the perspective of Jesus' loving desire for us.

The Song of Solomon is poetry and needs to be read as such. Theprimary voice is that of a black woman (Songof Solomon 1:5) and the other voice is her beloved, a shepherdwho is deemed to be an unsuitable partner for her.

The story of love in the poem - courtship, compassion, intimacy,longing and mutual delight - speak clearly of many of the elementsthat characterise God's dealings with God's people and showsremarkable parallels with the history of human and divine love.Seeing our relationship with God through the eyes of frustrated,but desperate lovers forces us to ponder the powerful emotionsunderlying the bond between God and humanity; love which finds itsfullest expression in Jesus.

Verses 8-17 remind us that all relationships need to benurtured, safeguarded and cherished; including our relationshipwith God in Christ. Intimacy with God and with each other has acost in terms of time and energy. Our love for Jesus will grow anddeepen as our desire to spend time with him deepens. God want us towant to be with God in loving relationship. If we truly love Godwhy would we not want this too?

To Ponder

  • As you listen to the voice of the black woman in the poem whatdoes it evoke in you about Jesus' love for the Church and foryou?
  • Read Psalm 132. What echoes do you hear in it of the verses youhave read from the Song of Solomon?
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